Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “structures”
Building Cascade 11: Running out of time and kits
Close to the deadline set by our participation at the US Model Railroad Convention 2019 in Rodgau, I ran out of time and kits. I had the kit for a small diner at hand but I had seen this structure on at least two modules in our group and wanted to create a different version of it. So I had to improvise a solution to fill some spaces on my module.
Building Cascade 10: Modified Storage Shed
Like every second modeller, I had bought a sample of the Walthers “Co-Op Storage Shed”. I have seen it on some modules before, sometimes modified, sometimes not. I needed a ground level storage shed for a small business on my Cascade Module. Today the “Lake Cascade Sport & Marine” is located at that place. I have no Idea what has been there in the 1950s, but I chose this kit as a base to build my shed.
Building Cascade 9: Scratch building with left overs
South of East Mill Street in Cascade Idaho are some interesting buildings. At the far south of the town there is a Rodeo arena with its stables. Due to space limitations I decided not to model it, but I added a freelanced workshop and wanted to add the diner I already had bought.
> > <> < The workshop is completely scratch built and freelanced. I just created a structure to use the left over plastic parts for a roof and some windows and doors I had lying around.
Building Cascade 8: Same, but different
Northeastern Scale Models offers a nice Structure “One Story Section House” in its Small Trackside Structures (STS) Series. I got three of these. I used them to kit bash two neighbouring houses, that look very different.
The long one The kit contains parts for square house with a veranda at one end and the entry to the basement on the other end. I used two of the kits to create a longer version.
Building Cascade 7: Going fency
Due to the selected level of compression, the lots are smaller – most of all shorter – than in the prototype. But even in the prototype some of the lots are quite narrow and accommodate a small house and a garage. I wanted to capture this look and feel and found some kits, that would help me to achieve that.
The smallish house with the garage is Kit No. 698 “Company House” by American Model Builders.
Building Cascade 6: Renovation required
Opposite of the Cascade Depot there are multiple lots with either small business or private structures. The houses in Cascade near the railroad tracks are an interesting mix. Most of the houses are quite unique and do not repeat along the street. A few years ago I bought a few laser kits for different houses. Some of the kits either contained two or three samples of the same house or I simply bought multiples of them.
Building Cascade 5: The Lumber Warehouse
The Hallack & Howard Lumber Company Sawmill is the main industry in Cascade and on my module. It has two tracks and generates about 6 to 9 cars incoming and outgoing traffic every day. Let me show you, how it was built.
Hallack & Howard Lumber Company > <> < Hallack & Howard Lumber Company, Images LOC & Idaho State Historic SocietyThe sawmill was torn down, but in the 1960s it was quite busy and is the main industry on my module.
Building Sussex 8: The Warehouse
There is a large warehouse on the property of Wisconsin Building Supply in Sussex (WBS). If I would model the scene exactly to scale, I wouldn’t have to bother with it. But I wanted to have it on the module and moved it closer to the rails.
Testing size and position with a template. Sidewall extended to fit the shape of the new structure. Google Earth view of the prototype structure.
Building Sussex 7: WBS Warehouse 1
There are two buildings on the Wisconsin Building Supply (WBS) lot, that visible in the modelled section. Right behind the fence, near the WBS spur is a “small” warehouse. It has a simple shape and is not too hard to build. Only drawback: It is positioned right above the joint of two modules, so it has to be removed for transport and storage.
> <> < Walls with cutouts for doors and supports in the corners.