Building Sussex 5: Fence, Trees and Telephone poles
By hagen
The ground cover had enough time to dry and I could finally start with something of a higher level: The fence for WBS.
Building an N-Scale Fence
I choose to build the fence myself. I cut pieces of 0.6 mm spring wire into pieces. The wholes were drilled spaced about 5 cm apart. That might be slightly too far but attaching the mesh to the posts is not that funny so less fence post are less annoying. The posts are about 1.2 cm high, so they would be nearly 2 meters high in the prototype. That seems plausible to me.
Adding fence posts. It might hurt.I had prepared strips of the mesh I want to use for the fence, but I was not sure how to attach it. I used a flexible glue first but that did not work that good so I switched to superglue. This way I could glue my mesh and my cloth-pins to the posts at the same time. Attaching wire mesh to the fence posts.### Adding Telephone polesThe FREMO americaN Standard defines the spacing between the telephone poles but it does not define the distance from the track. I think about 5 cm is a good distance but might come closer some times. To add the poles I drill a 3 mm hole, add wood glue and stick the pole into the hole. Usually I drill all holes at once to optimise the process.
Telephone poles added to the module.### We need more treesI built the trees with Seamoss twigs from NOCH. If you model a humid area you can not have to many trees. While adding the trees I sprinkled some coarse turf to areas that would be overgrown with bushes. Actually I might have added the trees slightly to close to the track leading to WBS.
Sussex quarry and WBS surround by trees.Read more about the progress in my Building-Sussex Series.