Oldershausen Testdrive
By hagen
I prepared the mount for the LED-Strip-Lights. The strips are equipped with an adhesive tape and have and illuminate with an angle of 120 degree. To maximise the light yield and reduce the loss I cut an strip of wood at an angle of 30 degree. This strip and the LEDs should be mounted at the very front of the cover, directly behind the fascia. I made some tests with this installation before fixing it in place.
I was quite satisfied with the results and fixed the LEDs in place. After the installation I could not resist and had to unpack my lovely Athearn Genesis GP38-2 and switch some cars. The GP38-2 runs good and sounds great. I used Märklin K-Track with long turnouts. These can be used for the typical “Punktkontakt” (Pukos, third rail in dots) AC locomotives but it can also be used for DC locomotives. Sadly not all DC locomotives can cope with the “Pukos” at the turnouts as they are higher than the outer rails of the track to prevent any shorts. Sadly this locomotive seems to lock up at the Pukos with the couplers. So I could not enjoy a smooth run but nevertheless I am motivated to get this project done and proceed with an US switching layout as my next project.